The other night his majesty awoke at 2.30am so of course, so did I.
Fortunately I know to be prepared and take my phone with me.
Bleary eyed and slumped in my feeding chair, I managed to see a sale at
The Haby Goddess and bought myself this gorgeous 'Peony' by
Colette dress pattern.
The dangers of being a woman and therefore being able to multitask....
Not sure that I'm anywhere near ready to make the dress but as you can see, the magic word Beginner is on the pattern, mocking me.
I also recently bought this book. After reading several reviews I decided it seemed worth the purchase.
(For some reason blogger has turned some pics sideways grrrr) |
I haven't embarked on anything yet but in the meantime it's very pretty to look at.
My lovely aunt Jude made me this cute apple cosy. See how happy and snug that apple looks ;o)
It'll be great when I'm back at work next year, I hate bruises on my fruit.
As for me and craft?
I made this cushion, adapting a pattern by
It was gifted to Harvey's friend Lily, from play group.
It has pride of place in her cot.
(more stupid sideways action by blogger)
I also embarked on sewing a top for me but we've been out of action for the last four days. Harvey Monster came down with a cold on Thursday and as is his generous nature, he gave a fair share of his germs to me.
There has been an alarming amount of snot, much of it wiped on me (unintentionally, I hope) but I think we're on the mend.
I'm so grateful for my IPhone and being able to play on the net during the wee hours. Much more than that, I am grateful for all the blogs and websites. It's wonderful to be able to keep in touch with my hobby while caring for my cherub.
Ab x