Monday, February 3, 2014

She said it all

I just read Jules' blog post and it really did say it all. Lots of things get in the way of my blogging but I like it so I'm going to do it when I can and I'm going to do it my way.

Does anyone know a good app to blog in? I'm just using the blogger one and its not much chop. I know I'll blog more if I can use the iPad so I need to find something simple but effective to use.

Things I need to show you - 

The red dres: McCall's 3856, tweaked and improved upon the sack.

It's a dress and it's red and I like it. I lined it with a voile, spray basting the two fabrics together so it was like one fabric. It's not quite as floaty as I'd like it but as both layers are voile, it will soften more with time. 

I've been playing with the layout of this. The original pattern I was inspired by isn't going to work for what I need so block shuffling is happening. The fabric is 'Posy' by Aneela Hoey and kona cotton solids. It's going to be very, very pretty.
It's is what I've decided on with the green border.

And there's been some more of this knitting lark. I feel like I take one step forward and two steps back. There's been quite a few silly mistakes, particularly when I get distracted. I'm heavily reliant on a counter but I think that is a good thing at this stage. Oh and that hole you can see, it's not a dropped stitch, it's a very intentions button hole!! 

Back to sleeve two. I've got to get everything ready for Friday when I catch up with Aunty Pam who can help me with the sewing together lark which is rather daunting. 
I'm copperpatch at if you want to be my friend.

Good to be back, lets hope I hang around as much as I intend to.



  1. Well, good to see I wasn't talking to myself.
    Still admiring you and your self taught knitting ability.
    Lets do this blogging thing!!!!

  2. When I was blogging I was using blogsy to blog from my iPad.

  3. Wow Abbe, you are really getting into the sewing and knitting. The dress you made is lovely and looks so nice on and your pinwheel quilt is really pretty. When I blog I just use Windows Live Writer. I find its great and have never had any problems with it, having said that I think I need to do a blogpost soon!!

  4. Love your Red Dress and the Green border looks good for the quilt...
    I use Windows Live too.
