Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A semblance of productivity

Thursday nights are bed, chocolate, twitter and One Born Every Minute nights.
I don't watch alone though, I watch with my crafty twitter friends, Jules, Bec, Fi and a few others. We make silly conversation as we watch babies being born. It's fair to say I spend a bit of time squirming these days. I'm 24 weeks now so reality about pushing baby out is setting in....
Last week I managed to get some time in between tweets to start working with my Chicopee fabric.
With a new couch coming to Club CP we are going to need some new cushions and I'm going to mix this with the previous line, Hope Valley. 

I finished the mittens tonight. Just need to sew them up. They aren't perfect but it all adds to my knitting experience.

More enthusiastic eating by the munchkin. 

Hello, what's this? I had a very lucky win after putting my business card in a draw at the Dayview Textiles stand at the AQM. Low and behold a phone call later that day and I was a winner. As soon as my so called friend realised what the phone call was about, she punched me.
Sign of a true friend - not backward at coming forward with her jealousy!

My arm is still sore.....

I'm absolutely stoked with the Jinny Beyer Palette Collection - I have no idea how I am going to use the 150 fat quarters. For the moment it's only for patting and not for taking out, it looks too pretty as it is!

Wishing you productivity and big wins.
Ab x


  1. Seriously...150 fat quarters? No wonder she punched you! LOL

  2. Wow!!!!
    I love Jinny Beyer Palette...

  3. Go Terry!! See, punching was a reasonable reaction. You would have done the same if I had won.
    Thanks for the reminder....must get chocolate before tonight.
