Monday, August 2, 2010

A little lesson

For all of you unsuspecting sewing lovelies out there - don't sew your pins.
I guess I could use it as a hook to get the fluff out of the machine....

Just a little somethin' in the hoop....

And a secret something else.

Don't forget the bloggerversary giveaway.
Ladies, you have been cracking me up. Who knew unrequited love was so common?

Sew well,
Ab x


  1. Last time I saw a hook like taht one I was holding destructoBoy down in the dentist's chair. Are you headed for a new profession?

  2. Poor little pin, what did it ever do to you?

    Looks like you have had a productive day.

  3. Now there is the reason not to sew over pins! Looking forward to seeing the secret something else.

  4. You mean I'm not supposed to do that to my pins?? Uh oh! LOL And do I see the Purple Wonder there?? Are we getting close to a finish?!? Woo hoo! LOL

  5. I hate doing that to my pins.
    Hope you are keeping warm.

  6. ooooOOOOoooo is the secret something for meeeeee!!?? ;)

    Can't wait to see big purple finished!!

  7. oops! I thought pins were meant to look like that after they've been used a couple of times.

    Do I Spy With My Little Eye, something beginning with P W?

    The secret project looks pretty so I'm looking forward to you showing more of that.

  8. I'm forever sewing over pins! I think that's why I break so many machine needles!

  9. Love the fabrics you are using,especially the red rose one. Is that for your love!!

    Happy sewing.
